Working with Ghost and IGLA

If your preference for immobilising your vehicle on a daily basis is a CANBus immobiliser, such as Ghost or IGLA, the ImmoTrack Online immobiliser can be used not as your day-to-day security method, but as your last resort as an add-on to these systems. Notably, also at a fraction of the price!

In this scenario, your ImmoTrack Online immobiliser can be set to support SECO mode (Safe Engine Cut Off) only, primarily acting as a GPS tracker and vehicle monitoring system. For the extremely rare occurrence where your primary immobiliser fails, or your vehicle has been taken as part of an armed robbery (where you have been threatened and forced to enable the vehicle), you can allow the thieves to take the vehicle. Following this, you can contact law enforcement and then safely enable the SECO feature, stopping the vehicle safely. You can then provide law enforcement with the vehicle’s location, recovering your vehicle and increasing the chance of the thieves being caught.


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